HAPPY NEW YEAR! On behalf of the Prairie Sky Chamber of Commerce, I hope that you were able to take a well-deserved break to share the joy of the holiday season with loved ones. As we head into 2024, we would like to take this opportunity to thank you, our valued...
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Work Safe Saskatchewan: Psychological Health & Safety

Talking only goes so far, now is the time for action for your employees
Free resources to help you navigate workplace psychological health and safety
The COVID-19 pandemic has put a unique strain on employees’ psychological health, and as we re-open, the strain and stress will linger. Psychological health and safety should be at the forefront of every workplace’s recovery plan. WorkSafe Saskatchewan, in partnership with MyWorkplaceHealth, has created a resource centre to support leaders, employers and workers navigate psychological health and safety in the workplace.
In the past five years, psychological health claims have been on the rise in Saskatchewan.

What is psychological health and safety?
A psychologically healthy and safe workplace is a workplace that promotes workers’ psychological well-being and actively works to prevent harm to worker psychological health, including in negligent, reckless or intentional ways. There are 13 psychosocial factors that contribute to workplace psychological health and safety. Learn more about each one.
An organization with good psychological and safety programs:
- Offers services or benefits that address worker psychological and mental health.
- Has a process in place to intervene if an employee looks distressed while at work.
- Supports workers who are returning to work after time off due to a mental health condition.
- Supports workers when they are dealing with personal or family issues.

Psychological health and safety is as important as physical health and safety
Psychological and social support in a workplace benefits employers and workers. It helps protect workers against stress and trauma at work and makes them more likely to seek and receive appropriate help when needed. Work stress can lead to physical symptoms, such as fatigue or headaches, or emotional symptoms like anxiety or burnout. This leads to increased costs, negative effects on productivity and a greater risk of incidents and injuries.

Get started today with WorkSafe Saskatchewan’s free Resource Centre
Psychological safety starts at the top. Get the free psychological health and safety resources you need in our Resource Centre – the hub for any tool you need to develop psychological health and safety programs or enhance existing efforts in your workplace.
These tools include downloadable guides, webinars, and workshops for everyone from employers to workers, as well as psychologically safe leadership resources to help you prevent psychological harm, promote psychological health of workers and address problems related to psychological health and safety. WorkSafe Saskatchewan has also compiled a list of contact information for community mental health resources in Saskatchewan so you can start get started today.
The more psychological and social support workers have, the more involved, committed and satisfied they are. Workers are happier and more productive, want to stay working with the organization for the long-term and are much more likely to ‘go the extra mile’ by engaging in organizational citizenship behaviours that help others. Visit WorkSafe Saskatchewan to download these free resources and learn how you can improve psychological health and safety in your organization.